Here for a good time – and a long time?

Here for a good time – and a long time?

Burning out: Hello! First off – thank you so much for hitting any of the links that brought you to this blog. For the last year, I have been wanting to blog but just never got around to it. I told myself that I would have time and that I would get to it.. and...
Oh Boy

Oh Boy

Welp Happy Monday Friends! I hope everybody had a great weekend! It was truly beautiful here in Northern Illinois – its the time of year where you can leave your windows open and the breeze is so refreshing. I am currently working on couple of projects that I am...
Christmas Gifts 2021

Christmas Gifts 2021

Hello Friends! November has just hit and before you know it, Christmas will be here. I typically get busy during this time and wanted to get the word out before its too late on Christmas gifts. With it being a little over 7 weeks away, availability on any type of...
Fun and Exciting Post on a Gloomy October Day

Fun and Exciting Post on a Gloomy October Day

Happy Monday! Major takeaways from this blog Screen print offer extended through October – order 25 shirts, receive 5 free! Find the requirements and link for this hereBears beat the Lions – WHY?Cubs season is over – thank GoldStuff over at Twitch is...
Screen Print Offer Extended Through October

Screen Print Offer Extended Through October

Great News! Especially if you’re in need of some Custom Apparel or Branded items. I am continuing the offer of: Order 25 -shirts and receive 5 additional free! This will be continued throughout the month of October, and really probably as long as I’m...
Random Thoughts This Monday Morning

Random Thoughts This Monday Morning

Random Thoughts This Monday Morning Hello friends! This blog was going to start just like the others – its Monday morning, and the main thing that was on my mind was that terrible Bears loss (that I did not have to endure, thank you Comcast). I am listening to...
Mondays.. :\

Mondays.. :\

Ayooo Happy Monday Friends! Happy Monday Friends! How are we doing today? Hope this post finds you well and happy – as much as you can be for a Monday, right? For us Bears fans, its just like every other Monday LOL 😀 😀 Hope many of you didnt suffer through the...
Screen Printing Offer 9/9/21

Screen Printing Offer 9/9/21

Hey Friends 🙂 Do you or someone you know have a need for some custom printed apparel? Do you possibly have an event coming up that you would love to have shirts done for? Well… this is me writing a blog to let all you awesome people know what the biz is! For...
Fun and Exciting Post on a Gloomy October Day

Tuesday 8-31-21

Hello Friends- If you’re able to see this.. please send me a message on Facebook and let me know. I’m dating this as this is the first blog I’ve ever wrote. I have attempted to do this time and time again, but because WORDS ARE HARD – I legit...


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